Spring 2022 - Div E

Match Scorecard

ARCL Tennis Ball Scorecard - Match (Seattle Devils vs Super 8)

Match: Seattle Devils vs Super 8

Date: 5/14/2022 12:00:00 AM

Result: Super 8 Won

Man of the match: Vamshi

Umpire: The Ultimate Warriors

Ground: Eastlake High School Stadium (Section 1)

Toss: Super 8

First Innings

Batting: Seattle Devils

Sunil KumarcaughtVamshi NVishwa Kirti  60
Ankur Kapoorbowled Vishwa Kirti  150
Sanjay Singhcaughtrahul AMZrahul AMZ  240
Giri RaocaughtVamshi NVishwa Kirti  80
Zain MohammedcaughtMahes Yogeshhrahul AMZ  30
Sumit Biswasrunoutravikiran reddy   80
Manoj Guptanot out    20
Satish Bhatrunoutravikiran reddy   00
   Extras  15 
Overs16 Total  81 
Rate5.06 Wickets  7 

Bowling: Super 8

rahul AMZ3.200 2132
Mahes Yogeshh3.000 1190
Vishwa Kirti4.000 2103
Sourabh Nagar4.00019390
Byes    00
Total    810

Second Innings

Batting: Super 8

chiru tmocaughtZain MohammedSumit Biswas  00
Vishwa KirticaughtSatish BhatZain Mohammed  30
ravikiran reddybowled Zain Mohammed  120
Sid MarancaughtSatish BhatSanjay Singh 1110
Mahes Yogeshhnot out   1150
Vamshi NrunoutAnkur Kapoor 12290
rahul AMZnot out    50
   Extras  7 
Overs14.30 Total  82 
Rate5.66 Wickets  5 

Bowling: Seattle Devils

Sumit Biswas4.000 2221
Satish Bhat4.000 1240
Zain Mohammed4.000 3132
Sanjay Singh1.000  121
Manoj Gupta1.300 1110
Byes    00
Total    820