Spring 2025 - Div A

Match Scorecard

ARCL Tennis Ball Scorecard - Match (The Opposition vs FatehCC-Bindaaz)

Match: The Opposition vs FatehCC-Bindaaz

Date: 4/15/2012 12:00:00 AM

Result: FatehCC-Bindaaz Won

Man of the match:

Umpire: Strykers

Ground: MS Ground #3


First Innings

Batting: The Opposition

Mehul Sutariyarun out (RajV/GP)    1022
Sunny Dhuric Laks K Sam  12
Sreekar Tanukuc GP Anand V  612
Ujesh Nambiarc Raja J Venkat N  14
Rohit Galwankarc Laks K Sanjeev K  2123
Sunny Mistryc Raj V Laks K 11212
Rucheek Sanganinot out *  1210
Deepak Yavagalnot out *  58
   Extras  40
Overs16 Total  720
Rate4.5 Wickets  60

Bowling: FatehCC-Bindaaz

Raja OLD4.001 1140
Sam FatehCC-Bindaaz 118201.000  41
Anand Vaidyanathan2.000  71
Venkataramani Narayanan3.000 2161
Laks Krishnamurthi4.000 1191
Sanjeev Khanna2.000  121
Byes0.000  00
Total0.000  720
 0.000  00
 0.000  00

Second Innings

Batting: FatehCC-Bindaaz

Laks Krishnamurthic Sreekar Tanuku b Ujesh Nambiar  1423
Sanjeev Khannac Ujesh Nambiar b Rucheek Sangani  1018
Parthasarathy Govindarajennot out *112217
Anand Vaidyanathannot out * 32217
Raj Varanasi     00
Raja OLD     00
Venkataramani Narayanan     00
Sam FatehCC-Bindaaz 11820     00
   Extras  80
Overs12.3 Total  760
Rate6.17886178 Wickets  20

Bowling: The Opposition

Deepak Yavagal3.000 1170
Rohit Galwankar3.0002 150
Ujesh Nambiar4.000 2271
Rucheek Sangani2.300 3171
Byes0.000  00
Total0.000  760
 0.000  00
 0.000  00
 0.000  00