Date | Time | Ground | Team1 | Team2 | Umpire1 | Umpire2 | Match Type | Divison |
Saturday 07/29/2023 | 4:30 PM | Redmond Ridge Park -- Soccer Field | UnExceptional | Outliers | The Ultimate Warriors | batting side | League | Div E |
Sunday 08/06/2023 | 5:30 PM | Central Park Field #1 (Pitch 5) | Da-Bangs | Cheetahs | The Ultimate Warriors | batting side | League | Div E |
Saturday 09/09/2023 | 4:30 PM | Hidden Valley Park Field 1 | Super Kings Returns | FatehCC-Legends | The Ultimate Warriors | batting side | League | Div E |
Sunday 10/22/2023 | 2:00 PM | Klahanie Park | Outliers | Da-Bangs | The Ultimate Warriors | batting side | League | Div E |