Summer 2023 - Div E

Match Scorecard

ARCL Tennis Ball Scorecard - Match (Epothum Varutha Padatha Valibar Sangam vs Stingrays)

Match: Epothum Varutha Padatha Valibar Sangam vs Stingrays

Date: 7/29/2023 12:00:00 AM

Result: Epothum Varutha Padatha Valibar Sangam Won

Man of the match: Sathya

Umpire: Seattle United

Ground: Perigo Park-Softball Field 1

Toss: Stingrays

First Innings

Batting: Epothum Varutha Padatha Valibar Sangam

Sathya Gbowled Amit Agarwal 1250
Ram KcaughtDipankar SRSathya SR 144
Ashok ThirumalaicaughtAmit AgarwalAmit Agarwal  2532
Gautham NarayanasamycaughtDipankar SRSathya SR  2014
Kannan Gnot out    710
kishanchander Rameshnot out    22
Yokesh Kagoodid not bat    00
Bharathram Balaramandid not bat    00
   Extras  16 
Overs16.00 Total  99 
Rate6.19 Wickets  4 

Bowling: Stingrays

Enian SR3.000 2240
Sathya SR4.000 3182
Sriteja Golla3.000 3200
Amit Agarwal3.00011182
Fayaz StingRayss3.000 3160
Byes    30
Total    990

Second Innings

Batting: Stingrays

Enian SRbowled Bharathram Balaraman  511
Mahesh JohnrunoutRam KSathya G  79
Vijay SRcaughtRam KSathya G  1016
Dipankar SRcaughtRam KBharathram Balaraman  68
Sathya SRnot out    1920
Fayaz StingRaysscaughtRam KYokesh Kagoo  01
Sriteja GollacaughtGautham NarayanasamySathya G  23
Amit AgarwalcaughtRam KGautham Narayanasamy  611
   Extras  5 
Overs16 Total  60 
Rate3.75 Wickets  7 

Bowling: Epothum Varutha Padatha Valibar Sangam

Bharathram Balaraman4.000  102
Ram K3.0001 150
Sathya G4.000  122
Yokesh Kagoo2.0002 141
Gautham Narayanasamy1.1001 81
Byes    10
Total    600