Spring 2012 - Div I

Match Scorecard

ARCL Tennis Ball Scorecard - Match (Believers vs Items - Sons of Pitches)

Match: Believers vs Items - Sons of Pitches

Date: 4/8/2012 12:00:00 AM

Result: Tie

Man of the match:

Umpire: Aryans

Ground: MS Ground #5


First Innings

Batting: Believers

Shailender BhatiaCaught Srikanth  380
Rajiv BillaBowled Rohit 420
Madhu ReddiCaught Rohit  500
Naga VenkataCaught Rohit1 30
Satheesh K Believers 12498not out *3220
Rohit M Believers 11403Caught Srikanth  00
Prasanna D Believers 9504Runout    00
Sriram S Believers 14238Caught Srikanth  00
   Extras  70
Overs15.4 Total  1020
Rate6.62337662 Wickets  70

Bowling: Items - Sons of Pitches

Srikanth Items - Sons of Pitches 140024.000 2243
Rohit Items - Sons of Pitches 113484.000  213
Vinay Items - Sons of Pitches 162303.000 1180
Vasu Items - Sons of Pitches 155602.000 2170
Sridhar Items - Sons of Pitches 139371.000  110
Chandu Items - Sons of Pitches 36161.000  110
Byes0.000  00
Total0.000  1020
 0.000  00
 0.000  00

Second Innings

Batting: Items - Sons of Pitches

Sridhar Items - Sons of Pitches 13937Bowled Naga S  10
Srikanth Items - Sons of Pitches 14002Caught Madhu R  190
Balaji Items - Sons of Pitches 3068Bowled Naga S  170
Rohit Items - Sons of Pitches 11348Caught Shailendar B  340
Chandu Items - Sons of Pitches 3616Bowled Naga S  40
Vinay Items - Sons of Pitches 16230Caught Rohit M  20
Veera Items - Sons of Pitches 15604Caught Sriram S  30
Vasu Items - Sons of Pitches 15560Not Out    30
   Extras  190
Overs16 Total  1020
Rate6.375 Wickets  70

Bowling: Believers

Satheesh K Believers 124984.000  260
Naga Venkata4.000  133
Rohit M Believers 114034.000  261
Madhu Reddi2.000  231
Sriram S Believers 142381.000  41
Shailender Bhatia1.000  51
Byes0.000  50
Total0.000  1020
 0.000  00
 0.000  00
 0.000  00