Spring 2025 - Div G

Match Scorecard

ARCL Tennis Ball Scorecard - Match (The Losers vs Canadian Tigers)

Match: The Losers vs Canadian Tigers

Date: 5/20/2012 12:00:00 AM

Result: The Losers Won

Man of the match:

Umpire: The Dark Knights

Ground: Shoreline Ground


First Innings

Batting: The Losers

Adarsh The Losers 1285run out  21270
Veeresh The Losers 15608c Bharath 1110
Avinash Nigamc Tejas41380
Amit The Losers 1721c Giri  40
Shiv The Losers 13280c Aakash31250
Srikanth The Losers 14005run out    20
Shreejit The Losers 13421not out    10
Manoj The Losers 7463c Aakash  00
   Extras  80
Overs14.1 Total  1160
Rate8.22695035 Wickets  70

Bowling: Canadian Tigers

Bharath Canadian Tigers 32692.000 3171
Gangadhar Balla2.000  140
Aakash Mandhar3.100 2152
Giri Canadian Tigers 47324.00011351
Tejas Ghadge3.000 1351
 0.000  00
Byes0.000  00
Total0.000  1160
 0.000  00
 0.000  00

Second Innings

Batting: Canadian Tigers

Aakash Mandharc Amit Manoj  60
Giri Canadian Tigers 4732bowled Manoj 190
Vinod Reddy Chavvac & b Shiv11210
Venkat Kumar Garikipatic Adarsh Srikanth  20
Tejas Ghadgebowled Veeresh  30
Bharath Canadian Tigers 3269c Amit Avinash  00
Akhil Chauhanbowled Avinash  00
Gangadhar Ballanot out    00
   Extras  40
Overs8.4 Total  450
Rate5.35714285 Wickets  70

Bowling: The Losers

Manoj The Losers 74632.000  92
Srikanth The Losers 140052.000  91
Veeresh The Losers 156082.000 1161
Avinash Nigam2.000  82
Shiv The Losers 132800.400  01
 0.000  00
Byes0.000  30
Total0.000  450
 0.000  00
 0.000  00
 0.000  00