Spring 2025 - Div F

Match Scorecard

ARCL Tennis Ball Scorecard - Match (Xtremers vs Company)

Match: Xtremers vs Company

Date: 4/1/2012 12:00:00 AM

Result: Xtremers Won

Man of the match:

Umpire: The Dark Knights

Ground: Ron Regis


First Innings

Batting: Xtremers

Augustine Rbowled Chaitanya  312
Vinod Kumarcaught & bowled Vinay 13140
Srini Pbowled Vinay  416
Raj Gcaught Vinay Arya  28
Srini Raobowled Vinay  37
Siraj Lcaught Vinay Karthik  14
Johnson Abowled Vinay  14
Deva A* *  10
   Extras  170
Overs16 Total  630
Rate3.9375 Wickets  70

Bowling: Company

Chaitanya Shete3.001  131
Karthikeyan Krishnan4.000  191
Vinay Ubale4.000  114
Arya Company 26274.000  171
Dileep Rewtani1.000  40
 0.000  00
Byes0.000  00
Total0.000  630
 0.000  00
 0.000  00

Second Innings

Batting: Company

Shantanu Company 13060caught Raj Siraj  711
Chaitanya Shetebowled Srini Rao  14
Sandeep Fotedarbowled Siraj 11219
Nitin Ubalebowled Siraj  311
Dileep Rewtanir/o     13
Vinay Ubaler/o     11
Arya Company 2627r/o     16
Karthikeyan Krishnan     00
   Extras  130
Overs12.3 Total  390
Rate3.17073170 Wickets  70

Bowling: Xtremers

Srini P3.000  160
Srini Rao2.300  21
Deva A4.000  70
Siraj L3.000  143
 0.000  00
Byes0.000  00
Total0.000  390
 0.000  00
 0.000  00
 0.000  00