Summer 2023 - Div E

Match Scorecard

ARCL Tennis Ball Scorecard - Match (Seattle Devils vs Stingrays)

Match: Seattle Devils vs Stingrays

Date: 10/21/2023 12:00:00 AM

Result: Stingrays Won

Man of the match: Thiru

Umpire: Bellevue Indians

Ground: Ron Regis

Toss: Stingrays

First Innings

Batting: Seattle Devils

Vikram ModgilcaughtDipankar SRSriteja Golla  60
Akshay Patil SEAcaughtSantosh PothankarSriteja Golla  30
Romil SoodcaughtEnian SREnian SR  20
Sumit BiswascaughtDipankar SRVishwa SR  10
Zain MohammedcaughtDipankar SREnian SR  110
Ankur Kapoornot out    130
Manoj Guptabowled Vishwa SR  40
Satish Bhatnot out    30
   Extras  24 
Overs16.0 Total  67 
Rate4.19 Wickets  6 

Bowling: Stingrays

Fayaz StingRayss4.000 4110
Sriteja Golla4.000 6162
Enian SR4.000 5172
Vishwa SR3.000 9182
Mahesh John1.000  50
Byes    00
Total    670

Second Innings

Batting: Stingrays

Thiru SRcaughtSumit BiswasZain Mohammed 2240
Enian SRcaughtSumit BiswasSatish Bhat 1100
Mahesh Johnbowled Satish Bhat  60
Dipankar SRnot out   170
Vishwa SRnot out  1 80
   Extras  13 
Overs14.2 Total  68 
Rate4.74 Wickets  3 

Bowling: Seattle Devils

Zain Mohammed3.000 391
Manoj Gupta4.000 2210
Satish Bhat4.000 1162
Vikram Modgil3.20016220
Byes    00
Total    680