Spring 2025 - Div D

Match Scorecard

ARCL Tennis Ball Scorecard - Match (Sharp Shooters vs Incrediblz)

Match: Sharp Shooters vs Incrediblz

Date: 4/15/2012 12:00:00 AM

Result: Sharp Shooters Won

Man of the match:

Umpire: Cricket Guns

Ground: MS Ground #6


First Innings

Batting: Sharp Shooters

Sorabh Gandhic Gunjan b Chitti 22325
Krishna MR Sharp Shooters 6671bowled Vishal  2336
Amol Natu Sharp Shooters 1830r\o Gunjan  25
Amod Gupta Sharp Shooters 1807c Fielder b Gunjan  714
Siddharth W Sharp Shooters 13589r\o Gunjan 153
Ravi Guptanot out * 1128
Raman Mittal Sharp Shooters 10769not out *  64
Akshat Bhatia Sharp Shooters 1518     00
   Extras  60
Overs15 Total  840
Rate5.6 Wickets  50

Bowling: Incrediblz

Vishal Shah4.001  151
Sreedhar Sreedhar4.000 2290
Chittibabu Pacharu4.000 1181
Kunjan Incrediblz 67634.000 2211
 0.000  00
 0.000  00
Byes0.000  10
Total0.000  840
 0.000  00
 0.000  00

Second Innings

Batting: Incrediblz

Vikram Deodharc Amod b Ravi Gupta 11117
Sounder Incrediblz 13798bowled  Amol Natu  14
Chittibabu Pacharur\o Krishna MR  25
Devi Incrediblz 3982c Sid b Ravi Gupta 1914
Vinod Incrediblz 16340c Krishna b Ravi Gupta  37
Vishal Shahc Akshat b  Amol Natu 1712
Kunjan Incrediblz 6763c Sid b Krishna MR 1814
Sreedhar Sreedharnot out *  35
   Extras  30
Overs13.1 Total  470
Rate3.58778626 Wickets  70

Bowling: Sharp Shooters

Krishna MR Sharp Shooters 66713.100 181
Amol Natu Sharp Shooters 18304.000 1162
Ravi Gupta3.000  83
Raman Mittal Sharp Shooters 107691.000 1110
Siddharth W Sharp Shooters 135892.000  40
 0.000  00
Byes0.000  00
Total0.000  470
 0.000  00
 0.000  00
 0.000  00