Spring 2025 - Div L

Match Scorecard

ARCL Tennis Ball Scorecard - Match (CHARGERS vs Gabbar Ke Gunde)

Match: CHARGERS vs Gabbar Ke Gunde

Date: 6/9/2012 12:00:00 AM

Result: Gabbar Ke Gunde Won

Man of the match:

Umpire: SeattleJaguars

Ground: GrassLawn Park-Softball Field 1


First Innings


Ram Valluric Darshan P Salil B  80
Suresh Punnac Darshan P Krishnan K  00
Ravi Bhupathirajuc Salil B Krishnan K  00
Anil Gandhamnot out *  190
Jiju CHARGERS 5832bowled Krishnan K  00
Karunakaran CHARGERS 6316c Salil B Krishnan K  00
Sukesh CHARGERS 14590bowled Darshan P  50
Rajesh CHARGERS 10366c Krishnan K Ashutosh K  20
   Extras  130
Overs15.2 Total  470
Rate3.09210526 Wickets  70

Bowling: Gabbar Ke Gunde

Krishnan K Gabbar Ke Gunde 66934.000 2144
Salil B Gabbar Ke Gunde 117974.00013111
Darshan P Gabbar Ke Gunde 37784.000  121
Ashutosh K Gabbar Ke Gunde 27983.201 5121
 0.000  00
 0.000  00
Byes0.000 200
Total0.000  470
 0.000  00
 0.000  00

Second Innings

Batting: Gabbar Ke Gunde

Mandar H Gabbar Ke Gunde 7216bowled Hardik  130
Krishnan K Gabbar Ke Gunde 6693not out *  210
Onkar W Gabbar Ke Gunde 8837c Ravi Jiju  30
Darshan P Gabbar Ke Gunde 3778not out *  70
Deepak C Gabbar Ke Gunde 3859DNB *  00
Salil B Gabbar Ke Gunde 11797DNB *  00
Venky K Gabbar Ke Gunde 15780DNB *  00
Ashutosh K Gabbar Ke Gunde 2798DNB *  00
   Extras  70
Overs12 Total  510
Rate4.25 Wickets  20


Ravi Bhupathiraju4.000  141
Jiju CHARGERS 58323.001 261
Suresh Punna3.0003 200
Rajesh CHARGERS 103661.000 140
Anil Gandham1.000  60
 0.000  00
Byes0.000 100
Total0.000  510
 0.000  00
 0.000  00
 0.000  00