Spring 2025 - Div D

Match Scorecard

ARCL Tennis Ball Scorecard - Match (SwingKings vs Seattle Super Kings)

Match: SwingKings vs Seattle Super Kings

Date: 5/11/2024 12:00:00 AM

Result: Swingkings Won

Man of the match: Jagadeesh

Umpire: Sidewinders Exploded

Ground: Marymoor Park Soccer #05

Toss: SwingKings

First Innings

Batting: SwingKings

Bharat MurukutlarunoutShashi Kiran Yellappa  22215
Vamsi DamisettyrunoutAbishek Prakash   66
Arun Kumar AnaparticaughtPrathamesh DesaiPrathamesh Desai 1816
Satish AdabalacaughtTrushill SSKKeertikeya Gupta  27
Jegan Subramanianbowled Trushill SSK  14
Prasad Analabowled Prathamesh Desai 1915
Varun Bezawadabowled Prathamesh Desai  15
JAGADEESWARA R Knot out    12
   Extras  3 
Overs16 Total  53 
Rate3.31 Wickets  7 

Bowling: Seattle Super Kings

Abishek Prakash3.000 2220
Prathamesh Desai3.500 1123
Keertikeya Gupta3.000  111
Trushill SSK2.000  81
Byes    00
Total    530

Second Innings

Batting: Seattle Super Kings

Trushill SSKbowled Vamsi Damisetty  15
Shashi Kiran Yellappahitout JAGADEESWARA R K  411
Raghu MVcaughtVarun BezawadaVamsi Damisetty  211
Prasanth ManjacaughtJegan SubramanianJAGADEESWARA R K  01
Abishek Prakashbowled JAGADEESWARA R K122118
Prathamesh DesairunoutVamsi DamisettyJAGADEESWARA R K  03
Sujit KodururunoutJegan SubramanianArun Kumar Anaparti  03
Keertikeya Guptanot out    1025
   Extras  3 
Overs16 Total  41 
Rate2.56 Wickets  7 

Bowling: SwingKings

Vamsi Damisetty4.002  32
Arun Kumar Anaparti4.000 1170
Bharat Murukutla1.000 140
Prasad Anala1.000 1140
Byes    00
Total    410