Spring 2025 - Div D

Match Scorecard

ARCL Tennis Ball Scorecard - Match (Bellevue Indians vs Galacticos)

Match: Bellevue Indians vs Galacticos

Date: 5/11/2024 12:00:00 AM

Result: Galacticos Won

Man of the match: Ganesh Narayanan

Umpire: Eight Musketers

Ground: Hidden Valley Park Field 1

Toss: Bellevue Indians

First Innings

Batting: Bellevue Indians

Pavan BawdanecaughtHitesh KathuriaGanesh Narayanan133848
Ayush GuptacaughtLakshay AroraGanesh Narayanan125036
Anshul U SaxenacaughtRakshith HPGanesh Narayanan  01
Prathmesh Deshmukhnot out   197
Nikhil Gaitondenot out    24
Ashwin Joshidid not bat    00
Vipin K Gargdid not bat    00
Rishie Khannadid not bat    00
   Extras  2 
Overs16.0 Total  101 
Rate6.31 Wickets  3 

Bowling: Galacticos

Tanay Saxena4.000  280
Lakshay Arora4.000  170
Hitesh Kathuria4.000  270
Ganesh Narayanan4.000  273
Byes    20
Total    1010

Second Innings

Batting: Galacticos

Tanay Saxenabowled Ashwin Joshi 21310
Kiran ModakrunoutAyush Gupta   00
Ganesh Narayanannot out    3538
Kaushal GCCrunoutAyush Gupta  22627
Lakshay ArorarunoutAyush Gupta   510
Vaibhav GCCnot out  21218
Rakshith HPdid not bat    00
Hitesh Kathuriadid not bat    00
   Extras  5 
Overs15.3 Total  105 
Rate6.77 Wickets  4 

Bowling: Bellevue Indians

Vipin K Garg4.000 1300
Ashwin Joshi3.000 1191
Ayush Gupta4.000 1230
Rishie Khanna3.300 1260
Anshul U Saxena1.000 170
Byes    00
Total    1050